
Wednesday, July 6, 2011

My Rustic Cottage Life: Vintage Chair ReUpholster Before and After

As a design blogger, I also a BIG fan of numerous other design blogs. They give me inspiration, ideas and sometimes just downright BLOW my mind!! And that is the post I am sharing with you today from the My Rustic Cottage Life blog. This lady has got guts, gusto and talent! She rescued this abandoned, unloved chair from her family archives and with some passion and persistence turned it into a won't believe your eyes......

Possibly the best chair makeover EVER!!

And as if you weren't already jumping out of your chair to start reupholstering it- here is another dirty little secret: This superwoman got this gorgeous fabric at her local Walmart (40 miles away from her home) for $13.75...for THREE YARDS!! This is unbelievable, I know!

Ok, catch your breath. Compose yourself. Now visit her amazing blog, My Rustic Cottage Life, for all the expose on this transformation!
My Rustic Cottage Life: Vintage Chair ReUpholster Before and After

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I will never be able to do that! Pretty awesome!


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